Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any Manufactruring Defect
Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any Manufactruring Defect
Like : Real value for money compared to other options. Works very well. One size fits almost all :). Supports the arm and biceps pretty well. Dislike: Velcro on and off the fabric part makes it pretty fluffed up very fast. Haven’t faced any issues with getting it stuck or working. Velcro part brushes against skin at parts where the width of sheet is too thin. Very little margin for error when attaching it to the thin part of the bandage.Feb 25, 2023 7:56:22 AM