Nivia Ripple Beach football goes soft on your feet and let you win the match with ease. It is best fit for the dry weather matches and offers you excellent grip. Standard circumference brings great control. It is the best option if you are looking for a football with long lifespan.
Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any manufactruring Defect
Nivia Ripple Beach football goes soft on your feet and let you win the match with ease. It is best fit for the dry weather matches and offers you excellent grip. Standard circumference brings great control. It is the best option if you are looking for a football with long lifespan.
Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any manufactruring Defect
good quality product👌👍😍Excellent product!!! Delivery was great. Got it early in the morning...Feb 28, 2023 1:29:44 PM