It is very durable . It ensures that it lasts longer period of time.
Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any manufactruring Defect
It is very durable . It ensures that it lasts longer period of time.
Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any manufactruring Defect
Pads were good. But according to my age of 17 yrs it wasn't comfortable and were more than my preferred size. So i returned back. Btw pads were worth money.Mar 1, 2023 8:25:04 AM