Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any manufactruring Defect
Return / Replacement Policy : 7 Day Return Policy, If Item is Damaged or Different than Order
Seller Guarantee : 100% Original Product as per Order, Repair Replacement or Partial Refund in case the order is not as promised or for any manufactruring Defect
Perfect intermediate level racquet! Racket i got was original and with no defects, used it once as of now, only thing which could have been better was packaging.. the cover was smelling odd because no packaging was used to cover the racquet case.. no issues faced yet. got this at 2.85k, worthy buy. Light weight, will be better with bg 68 ti string, Thank you amazon for this deal and making it happen withMar 4, 2023 5:44:43 AM